What is the Asian Scholarship Foundation?
The Asian Scholarship Foundation (ASF) is an Asian-led
non-profit organization funded by a grant from the Ford Foundation
that is mandated to:
ASF grants are made available to scholars,
researchers and professionals who are citizens of and residents
in any of the following participating countries: Bangladesh, Bhutan,
Brunei, Cambodia, the People’s Republic of China, India,
Indonesia, Laos, Malaysia, Republic of Maldives, Myanmar, Nepal,
Pakistan, the Philippines, Sri Lanka, Thailand and Vietnam.
ASF makes it possible for young and middle-level scholars, researchers
and professionals to undertake a research project or do a study,
to conduct seminars and workshops, to help build a network of
Asian scholars in Asia in the field of Asian Studies and/or to
write papers in the Arts, Culture, Humanities, Social Sciences
in another Asian country in any of the grant categories described
The grants cannot be used for completing an academic degree.